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Ballard Creek Honey is perfect as a logical honey source for any Central Iowa Grocery store or other retail outlet.

If your local grocery store or convienence store isn't carrying local honey, let them know what the added health benifits are and have them contact us and we can have Ballard Creek Honey in your community soon. 


Remember, that those large producers of honey mix all their honey with honey from accross the country and by ding so you lose the benifit of what honey can do for you and your family's health.


You may have a small stand at a local farmers market and honey is the perfect complimentary item that is shelf stable ready. Sweeten all your transactions with a small jar of honey sticks by your check out and put some additional money in your pocket along the way.


How about a fund raiser? We could even supply your group or organization with honey that has your own lable on it!


Do you or somene you know, opperate an orchard or fruit stand. Adding Ballard Creek Honey would be a perfect addition to the already healthy line of items your selling.










How can I get Ballard Creek Honey in my community?

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